June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of June 12, 2024

Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Carla Fitsgerald, Vice President       Angie Billue, Member

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Donald Cravens, Superintendent     

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Absent Member(s) – Kimberly Jacobs, Lisa Stewart

Minutes of the June 15, 2024 meeting were read and discussed.  Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – Financial Status of Accounts, and to cash CD 504007 upon maturity. Angie-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts.     

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of May, there were 98 calls, 69 transports/billable and 29 non-transports. Total billing for the month of May was $75,892.08.

Ambulance Status – Med 2’s Wi-Fi has been reconfigured. A new inverter has been installed in Med 2.

Office security remodel – Discussion was made with the Board being fine purchasing cameras, securing the two doors that access the training rooms, and adding a counter.  Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous.        

Sam Garvin’s report on grants was reviewed.  See attached

Oxygen tank lifts for trucks are being installed by AJ’s out of Columbia, MO. The oxygen compartment has required some modifications which has prolonged the installation.  No action taken.

Donald and Bridgett will be attending the Missouri Ambulance Association meeting on June 18th and 19th.

Due to Bridgett’s vacation, the next meeting will be July 9th and at the request of some of the board members, the meeting will be at the Salisbury base.

Angie-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

Old Business: 

When the motel rooms were reserved, the District did not pay additional fees for the no-show/no-refund option.

Upon discovering the discrepancy with the class dates, Donald spoke with the class instructor who indicated that they could not pay for the motel rooms but could possibly waive some of the class fees.  No action taken.

No further business.  Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

November Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of November 8, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.   

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Kimberly Jacobs, President               Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Donald Cravens, Superintendent     

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Angie Billue, Member                        Brent Dickerson, Employee

Heather Calvert, Group Insurance, via phone

Absent Member – Lisa Stewart, Megan Hubbard

Minutes of the October 11, 2023 meeting were read and discussed.  Donna-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – October’s financial reports were reviewed and discussed.  Angie-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts.    

Angie-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous for Eric to do with the maturing CD as financially feasible.

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of October, there were 102 calls, 63 transports and 39 non-transports. Total billing for the month of October is $113,108.30.

Ambulance Status – Med 2 is still awaiting an inverter.   

There will not be a fall EMT class due to the lack of participants, this will be revisited after the first of 2024.

Carla-Motion, Angie-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 

A.            Employee Appreciation Dinner – The dinner will be December 6th and is being catered by Sherry’s Home Cook’n.  The cost is $17.00 per person.  No action taken.

B.            Snow Removal – Mike Weimer was contacted and has agreed to take care of the snow removal at the Salisbury base.  No action taken.

C             Health Insurance Renewal – Heather from Group Insurance presented an overview of the December healthcare renewal.  Our current plan took a 6.8% increase.  She did provide two additional rates, one with UHC and one with Blue Cross Blue Shield.  Discussion was made, Angie-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to remain with the current plan through United HealthCare.

The dental renewal is still being reviewed. Tabled.

D.            Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection – The proposed, not-to-exceed cost for the                                                                                                                                      data collection would be $5,500.00.  The not-to-exceed fee means that NBS will only bill for the hours required to complete the process.  If the hours are less than the projection, then the cost will be less and if it requires more, then the cost would be the $5,500.00.  Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to have a contract with NBS Government Finance Group to compile and submit the collected data to CMS for the cost survey.

  • New Business:
  1. First Quarter Budge Review – Discussion was made.  No action taken.
  • Board Filing – District 3 Carla Fitzgerald and District 6 Megan Hubbard

Filing dates are December 5, 2023 though December 26, 2023.  No action taken.

  •  MoPerm Renewal – The District received notification that the renewal base rate for liability has increased an average of 7.2% and the base rate for property coverages increased 20% for 2024.  The inflation adjustment that applied to structures for 2024 is 10%.  This adjustment is mandatory and cannot be changed.  

Eric is working with Tim Powers for additional bids.  No action taken.

  • Training Equipment – Eric is working to establish training equipment and manikins for the employees to maintain and to advance their skills.  Discussion was made, Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous for Eric and Donald Gene to make these purchases.  Eric’s expected cost will be between $10,000.00 to $15,000.00.

No further business.  Donna-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 6:53 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           President of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Kimberly Jacobs  

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of October 11, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 8:26 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Angie Billue, Member       

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Lisa Steward, Member      

Absent Member – Kimberly Jacobs

Minutes of the September 13, 2023 meeting were read and discussed.  Megan-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Angie-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – Septembers financial reports were reviewed and discussed.  Lisa-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts.   

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of September, there were 104 calls, 54 transports and 50 non-transports. Total billing for the month of September is $98,381.00.

Ambulance Status – Med 1 is still awaiting an inverter.  Due to an inverter recall, this maintenance may have an extended time.

There is a possibility that due to the lack of interest in the EMT/First Responder class, that was supposed to start in November, will be cancelled and then reevaluated in January 2024.

Laryngoscopes and training materials – nothing new to report.

Ceira Wages from Dinges Fire will be hosting a Funding and Grants Workshop at the Salisbury ambulance base on November 4th from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

The Chariton County Ambulance District will be hosting a Grain Engulfment Rescue class on March 16, 2024.

Lisa-Motion, Angie-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business:  None.
  • New Business:
  1. Employee Appreciation Dinner – There will be a catered dinner at the Salisbury base, date to be determined.  No action taken.
  • Snow Removal – Mike Weimer will be contacted to see if he would be interested in the snow removal for the Salisbury base.  Angie-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous.
  • Health Insurance Renewal – Heather from Group Insurance presented an overview of the December healthcare renewal.  Our current plan took a 6.8% increase.  She did provide two additional rates, one with UHC and one with Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

The dental and vision renewals are still being reviewed and not available at the time of the meeting. Tabled.

  • Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection – Due to the complexity of the required details for the cost reporting the District will consider out sourcing the final preparation and submission.  Tabled 
  • Non-Primary Base Compensation – There have been times when an on-duty employee will commute to the other station to provide coverage, the employee will be compensated an additional five hours of regular pay for this deed.  Angie-Motion Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous.

This situation has recently arisen and those employees will receive back pay.  Angie-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous.

  • Employee Discount – If an employee or immediate household family member (husband, wife, child), up to the age of twenty-six is transported by the Chariton County Ambulance, the District will accept what the insurance pays as payment in full with the exception of a deductible.  If the entire amount is applied to a deductible the employee would be responsible to pay $500.00.  The most an employee would be out of pocket is $500.00.
  1.  New Business:  None.

No further business.  Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 09:13 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard 

September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of September 13, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.   

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Kimberly Jacobs, President               Angie Billue, Member       

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Megan Hubbard, Secretary               

Absent Member – Lisa Stewart

Minutes of the August 3, 2023 meeting were read and discussed. An amendment to the minutes of the Tax Levy Hearing is as follows: the Certified State Tax Rate maximum is 0.2579 therefore the 0.2600 would not be permissible that was voted upon at the August 2023 Tax Levy Hearing. The State imposed a mandated reduction.  Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Angie-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – August and Septembers financial reports were reviewed and discussed.  Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts.    

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of August, there were 89 calls, 62 transports and 27 non-transports. Total billing for the month of August is $134,181.90.

Ambulance Status – Med 3 is out of service for rear brake replacement (they are metal on metal) and Matt has run into issues getting the parts but the truck should be back in service this week. Med 2 is experiencing issues with the inverter but cannot be repaired until Med 3 is back in service.

The 2022-2023 fiscal audit was performed on August 30, 2023 by Mark Higgins.

We have a CD with the US Bank, and for Mark to get a bank confirmation, he has to pay a $35.00 fee through confirmation.com.  Then, we received notice that the District has to pay a $25.00 fee for providing the information to the auditor. 

At this time, Mark is not forwarding his fee on to the District but has indicated that this might have to be passed on in the future.

After discussion was made, the Board does not want the District to purchase any CD’s from the US Bank.  Some board members feel that the US Bank is not local anymore and prefer that District business be done with other banks in the county.

Eric has been looking into purchasing three laryngoscopes which would be about $15,000-20,000.00. Dr. Stilley is exploring grant options for the laryngoscopes and training materials.   

Megan-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 
  2. ARPA status application has changed from “Approved” to “Awarded”.  The grant funds will not be issued until we take position of the truck.  No action taken.
  3. New Business:
  1. No Transport Billing – CCAD responded to a mutual aide call that the patient was initially treated by CCAD and then another ambulance took over patient care and transported said patient to a landing zone.  Due to multiple agencies involvement, Eric spoke with Frank Flaspohler who advised not to charge for these type of calls being that it may get the District audited by Medicare looking for any kind of fraud or abuse.  No action taken.
  1.  New Business:  None.

No further business.  Angie-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 06:24 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

July 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of July 19, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.   

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Angie Billue, Member       

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Lisa Stewart, Member                        Daryl Noll, Employee

Absent Member – Kimberly Jacobs

Minutes of the June 14, 2023 meeting were read and discussed. Lisa-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Lisa-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – Financial Status of Accounts, Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept Financial Status of Accounts.  

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of June, there were 117 calls,75 transports and 42 non-transports. Total billing for the month of June was $206,410.70

Ambulance Status – All ambulances are currently operational and without any mechanical issues.

The EMT Class – Only one student failed, the rest have completed clinicals or have requested an extension to complete clinicals.

BTC Bank has required a signature authorization for Stephanie to submit payroll electronically.

Due to Bridgett going on vacation, the August board meeting will be August 4th.

There will be a Tax Levy Hearing August 4th at 5:50 p.m.

One year ago, the District had five full-time medics; currently we have seven full-time medics and two employees that could potentially be medics by the end of 2023.

Eric is checking into the Employee Retention Credit that some ambulance districts may qualify through the CARES Act.

Donna-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 
  1. CAD System – Per request, Eric has provided the names and numbers of staff to 911 for the CAD system.  It is currently in the building process at this time with no ETA of completion.  No action taken.
  • Board Member Training – Angie was addressed at the meeting and discussed an upcoming virtual training No action taken.

New Business:

  1. 2021-22 Amended Budget – Discussed, Donna-Motion, Megan-Seconded, board unanimous to accept the amended budget.
  • Salisbury Fire Department Donation – Jamie Cruse, Fire Chief, has been to the Salisbury station multiple times with the infrared  thermal imaging device.  A gesture of appreciation will be made to the fire department. Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous.  
  • Conflict of Interest Ordinance – This Ordinance allows the superintendent of the Chariton County Ambulance District to file a Personal Financial Disclosure when the budget exceeds one million dollars and the superintendent is responsible for the District’s finances. This eliminates each board member from having to file a Personal Financial Disclosure.  This ordinance has to be voted on every two years.  Angie-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to re-adopt this ordinance.
  1.  New Business:  None.

No further business.  Angi-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 06:25 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

June Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of June 14, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.   

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Angie Billue, Member       

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Absent Member – Lisa Steward, Kimberly Jacobs

Minutes of the May 10, 2023 meeting were read and discussed. Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Donna-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – Financial Status of Accounts for April and May were discussed. Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept Financial Status of Accounts.  

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of May, there were 88 calls, 62 transports and 26 non-transports. Total billing for the month of May was $36,428.70

Ambulance Status – All ambulances are currently operational and without any mechanical issues.

The EMT Class has finished with only one student failing, and some are already working on their clinical hours.

Eric and Bridgett will be attending the MAA conference on June 20 & 21st  at the Lodge of Four Seasons.

Donna-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 
  1. Salisbury Base Sidewalk – no action taken. 
  • CAD System – The Chariton County Commissioners paid for a ten-year contract for use with ARPA funds.  The building of a software module is in the preliminary stage. No action taken.
  •  2021-2022 Fiscal Audit – Discussed, Megan-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the finalized fiscal audit.
  • Board Member Training – No action taken.
  1.  New Business:  None.

No further business.  Angi-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 06:35 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary to the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

March Board Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of March 13, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.   

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Kimberly Jacobs, Vice President      Carla Fitzgerald, Member 

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Eric McKenzie, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Lisa Stewart, Member                        Daryl Noll, Employee       

Absent Member – Angie Billue

Minutes of the February 15, 2023 meeting were read and discussed. Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Megan-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – The Financial Status of Accounts for February was discussed.  Lisa-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept Financial Status of Accounts.  

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of February there were 70 calls, 48 transports and 22 non-transports for a total billing of $74,695.40.

A nine-month, $400,000.00 CD was purchased from Regional Missouri Bank.

The ARPA grant application is still in Review status.

The sharps containers have been installed.  The cost was actually less than initially quoted due to the counter not requiring as much reconstruction as originally thought.

There will be a storm spotter training class at the Salisbury base on March 14th at 7:00 p.m. for responding agencies like EMS, law, fire, etc. (not open to the public).

The Keytesville School will be hosting a docudrama on March 30, 2023.

The EMT Class is going well, no students from the Chariton County Site have dropped out of the course.  

A television has been purchased for the Brunswick base.

Surveillance cameras have been installed and are operational at both the Salisbury and Brunswick bases. The cameras are monitored at the Chariton County 911 center.

Eric and Bridgett have been working on options for K-tank oxygen.  Linde Gas and Equipment is the current supplier whose rates and fees are continually increasing. In October 2022 the District renewed a three-year non-refundable tank lease agreement with Linde. Eric is working on the legal aspects of the Linde tanks to see if the District can have another supplier fill the tanks. Eric has spoken with Frank Flaspohler.  No action will be taken until we hear his advisement.  

Eric and Bridgett have been speaking with PurAir as an oxygen supplier.  Their rates and fees would still be a cost savings even if the District would have to forfeit the Linde tank lease.           

The pipes in the basement of the Salisbury base are made of old cast iron which are crumbling.  Eric has been working with Tom Burkhart, Stacy Sears and Agee Plumbing for a solution.  Agee Plumbing is going to run a camera down the man hole in the Salisbury base parking lot to inspect the pipes and see what direction they are going. The cost to run the camera down the man hole is approximately $1800.00.  Board advised to request bids from other plumbing agencies before having one perform the job.

Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business:  None. 
  1.  New Business: 
  1. EMS Week – EMS Week is May 21-27, 2023.  There will be an EMS carry in dinner on May 17th at 6:00 p.m. for all the employees, first responders and their families. The District will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs.    

All employees will receive a $50.00 gift card.

The Chariton County Court House will be recognized with donuts.

A Zolldier award will be given in recognition to those involved in a

successful cardiac arrest resuscitation using the Zoll X Series cardiac monitor.

  • Workman’s Compensation Insurance – Tim Powers (an insurance broker with Missouri General Insurance Agency) was in and visited with Eric to review our current policy with Missouri Employers Mutual and discuss additional options with other companies. After discussion, Donna-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to stay with Missouri Employers Mutual.    
  • Uniform Allowance Policy – Clarification will be made to the Uniform Allowance Policy to as to what articles are considered part of a uniform. Eric is going to establish a Board approved list of items that an employee can use towards the Uniform Allowance.  Tabled.   

Other Business: None.

No further business.  Carla-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 07:07 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary to the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

January Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of January 11, 2023

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Angie Billue, President                       Eric McKenzie, Superintendent      

Kimberly Jacobs, Vice President      Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Daryl Noll, Guest

Lisa Stewart, Member                                       

Absent Member – Donna Morrison, Carla Fitzgerald

Minutes of the December 7, 2022 meeting were read and discussed. Kimberly-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Megan-Motion, Kimberly-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – The Financial Status of Accounts for November and December were discussed.  Carla-Motion, Kimberly-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept Financial Status of Accounts.  Eric will purchasing an 11 month CD at 3.8%.   Kimberly-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of November there were 94 calls, 55 transports,

 39 non- transports.  Total billing for November was $59,985.90  For the month of December there were 132 calls, 80 transports and 52 non-transports for a total billing of $129,999.70

The  ARPA grant application is in Review status.

Mike Brehm resigned his position with the Chariton County Ambulance District due to the work load of his job at Walsworth.

Med 3 is out of service due to a malfunction in the Liquid Springs loading system.  Eric is working with ARV who is conversing with Liquid Springs for a solution.  This is still under warranty.

Med 2 encountered a problem with the front axle track bar that made it non-drivable and had to be towed to W-K’s in Boonville.   The truck is still under warranty.

ARV has provided a loaner truck to use. 

                CCAD has insurance on the loaner truck.

While on an emergency call responding to the hospital, a vehicle pulled out in front of our truck resulting in a crew member being thrown down.  The employee was able to continue on the transport.  After the call was completed and the employee was back at base, she went to the hospital for an evaluation.   The rest of her shift was covered by another employee.

The February meeting will be on the 15th due to Bridgette being out of town on regularly scheduled meeting date.

Kimberly-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 
  1. Board Filing – Donna Morrison and Kimberly Jacobs both have refiled. No action taken.
  • Employee Dental and Vision – The yearly cost to the District for employee dental and vision will be $3,056.40 through United HealthCare.
  1.  New Business:  None

Other Business: None.

No further business.  Megan-Motion, Lisa-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 06:40 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary to the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard  

November Board Meeting Minutes

                   MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 

Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of November 9, 2022

  1. Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Angie Billue, President                                       Austin Rash, Guest

Kimberly Jacobs, Vice President                      Austin Sturm, Guest

Donna Morrison, Treasurer                               Heather Calvert, Guest

Carla Fitzgerald, Member                                  Daryl Noll, Guest

Lisa Stewart, Member                                        Brent Dickerson, Guest

Eric McKenzie, Superintendent                       Kade Jarvis, Guest              

Bridgett Fessler, Recorder                                 Ned Clifton, Guest

Absent Member – Megan Hubbard

Minutes of the October  12, 2022 meeting were read and discussed. Kimberly-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read.

Bills were reviewed and approved.  – Donna-Motion, Kimberly-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.

Treasurer’s Report – The Financial Status of Accounts, A full report were available for the meeting.   

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of October there were 142calls, 72 transports, 70

 non- transports .  Financial reports were not available for the meeting.       

Chariton County 911 will be having a meeting at the Chariton County Courthouse on November 28th at 3:00 P.M. to discuss CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch).

Missouri Governor Mike Parson visited Mendon on October 27th to commend services rendered at the train derailment.

Sharps containers – Due to the discontinuation of the current sharps containers on the ambulances, a modification has to be made.  The cost of the modifications are $2,112.40

Eric taught 12 lead interpretations at the Chillicothe Paramedic Class on November 3rd  .  The 2021-22 paramedic class had 15 students and this year there are only 6.  This is showing the decline in interest the paramedic field.

Eric and Marshall Meagher visited the Truman School of Nursing on October 19th    to discuss the Amtrak train derailment and educate on mass casualty incidents.

An ambulance was taken to a show and tell day at the St Joseph school with the students on November 2nd .  

St Joseph LZ – The Advisory Board of the St Joe Parish Council is having a meeting on November 9, 2022.   

Discussion was made regarding Frank Flaspohler and his untimely replies when Eric attempts to contact him.   

Donna-Motion, Kimberly-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

  1. Old Business: 
  1. Security Cameras –  Nyle has ordered cameras, equipment, and a monitor and will begin work when the equipment arrives. No action taken.
  • Fatigue Matrix – Discussion was made to adopt a Fatigue Matrix policy for the safety of the employees and patients.  The Board would like for Eric to meet with the employees to discuss the procedures outlined in this policy.

Donna-Motion, Kimberly-yea, Carla-yea, Lisa-yea, Angie-nay.   

  1. New Business:
  1. Health Insurance Renewal (revisit) – Heather from James Duncan’s office was notified that the premiums that she presented at the September 2022 board meeting were actually for 2021. 

Two 2022 policies were reviewed and discussed. Donna-Motion, Kimberly-Seconded, Board unanimous to keep the 80/20 UHC policy as previously voted on at the September board meeting.

  • Ambulance Bids – A representative from American Response Vehicles and a representative from Pinnacle Emergency Vehicles were present to discuss their bids and warranties. 

After lengthy discussion, it was decided to purchase the ARV Dodge Diesel chassis. 

Kimberly-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous other than Lisa who abstained due to not feeling knowledgeable enough to make a solid vote.

Ned is to get a bid for a box remount.  After getting a bid, the Board will do a cost comparison to see if the remount or a purchase of a new box is the most financially feasible.  No action taken.

  • Board Filing – The first day to file is December 6, 2022 through December 27, 2022.  Candidate positions are Donna Morrison (District 2) and Kimberly Jacobs (District 5). No action taken.
  • Board Crew Meeting in Policies and Procedures.  The Board Crew Meeting in the Policies and Procedures will be removed.  We have not had one of these meetings in several years; the employees feel that the Board and administration are approachable do not feel that these meetings would be beneficial.  Carla-Motion, Donna-Seconded, Board unanimous.
  • Bid Limits in Policies and Procedures – The bid limit is currently at $1,000.00.  This will be amended and the District will follow state statute guidelines.  Lisa-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous. 
  1. Other Business: None.

No further business.  Lisa-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at 08:30 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           President of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Angie Billue  

October Board Meeting Agenda


Board of Directors Meeting

Open Meeting

Chariton County Ambulance District

Salisbury Base

 October 12th, 2022 6:00 P.M.

Posted October 10th, 2022

Call Meeting to Order

Read Minutes of Last Meeting

Bills Report

Treasurer’s Report

Superintendent’s Report

            Monthly Call Volume

            Stryker fixed Med 1

            911 CAD Meeting on October 19th

            Carl completed online instructor.

            Grant for EMT class with University

            Chicago Conference

            Problem between employee and SPD

            Missouri EMS Connection Article

            Austin Sturm

            Flu Vaccines

            Benefits Day

            Consultant Medical Director

            Meeting with Students

            New Ambulance Quote

            Hosting Board Member Training October 22nd


            Protocol App

Old Business

New Business

            Security Cameras

            Snow Removal

            Fatigue Matrix

            Fire Extinguishers

            Kenny Boss


Other Business