January 2025 Board Meeting Minutes


Subj:      Board Meeting, Minutes of January 8, 2025

        Subject board meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.  

The following personnel were present or attended via Zoom or by phone

Kimberly Jacobs, President               Lisa Stewart, Member

Carla Fitzgerald, Vice President       Donald Cravens, Superintendent

Donna Morrison, Treasurer               Bridgett Fessler, Recorder

Megan Hubbard, Secretary                Lisa Benner, Employee

Angie Billue, Member                       

Absent Member(s) – None

Minutes of the December 11, 2024 meeting were read and discussed.  Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the minutes as read and corrected.

Bills were reviewed and approved –Donna-Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept and pay all expenses.  

Treasurer’s Report – Financial Status of Accounts, Angie-Motion, Megan-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Financial Status of Accounts and for Donald to do with maturing CD as financially feasible.                                                                      

Superintendent’s Report – For the month of December, there were 90 calls, 59 transports/billable and 31 non-transports/non-billable. Total billing for the month of December was $102,348.40.

Ambulance Status –Still awaiting ARV to get us a loaner ambulance, so that Med 1 can be taken for the remount process.  Med 2 recently struck a deer with front end damage noted (still operational); insurance company has been advised. Discussion regarding purchasing grille guards for the ambulances; will check with insurance company to see if there are any discounts for installing these.

Office security remodel – Nothing further to report for the office remodel until spring.    

Uniform Coats – Tabled.

Sam Garvin’s report – reviewed and discussed, no action taken.

Emergency Response Trailer – Donald has contacted numerous folks regarding the funding for restocking of the trailer; none with favorable outcomes. Still awaiting a response from Christina Brashear, Chariton County Emergency Management Director.

The EMT and First Responder Class – We have enough signed up to proceed with the classes.  Start date is 1/20/25. Books/teaching materials have been ordered.

There is a student signed up for the EMT class that has an unpaid balance from a previous call for service.  Discussion was made, board concurred that the Superintendent speak with this individual to make a payment arrangement and that he will not be able to take his final test until his account is satisfied.

Donald and Bridgett have spoken with Frank Flaspohler regarding additional options for bad debt resolutions.  Frank has suggested the possibility of forcing the sale of real estate on accounts that have judgements but have not paid.  These would have to be accounts that all other efforts have been exhausted.  Bridgett suggested having Frank attend a board meeting (or by phone) to explain more details to the board before proceeding with this action.

Carla-Motion, Angie-Seconded, Board unanimous to accept the Superintendent’s report.

        Old Business: 

        New Business:  None.

Other Business:  None.

No further business. Lisa -Motion, Carla-Seconded, Board unanimous to adjourn meeting at    6:36 p.m.

Secretary to the Board                        for           Secretary of the Board

 Bridgett Fessler                                                   Megan Hubbard